Image of Jessica Creighton

Jessica Creighton


Jessica Creighton is an evaluation specialist and researcher with nearly a decade of experience. Ms. Creighton is an expert in social science randomized controlled trials (RCTs), including methodology, operations and management. She is also well versed in mixed-methods, having integrated RCTs with ethnography, behavioral games, observation and in-depth interviews.

Ms. Creighton has extensive experience in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially Sierra Leone, where she lived for two years. Her work for R4D includes being an associate director for Transparency for Development, with the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and as project associate for Community Reconciliation with Innovations for Poverty Action.

Ms. Creighton has a BA in political science from Tulane University and an EdM in international education policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Articles and other publications

Jessica Creighton, Stephen Kosack, and Courtney Tolmie. When, Where, and How Does Transparency and Accountability Improve Health? Evidence from a Mixed-methods Multi-country Impact Evaluation. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association conference (Cleveland, OH). November 2, 2018.

Jessica Creighton. Using Process Data to Refine Evaluation Design of an “Undefined” Intervention: Experiences from the T4D Project. Panel presentation at the American Evaluation Association conference (Washington, DC). November 8, 2017.

Global & Regional Initiatives

R4D is a globally recognized leader for designing initiatives that connect implementers, experts and funders across countries to build knowledge and get that knowledge into practice.