Results for Development is a global nonprofit catalyzing locally led systems change in health, education and nutrition.

We support country leaders to build strong systems and institutions that deliver large scale impact for generations to come.

We believe in a better way to drive lasting progress

Systems change is inherently hard. It’s even harder when country leaders don’t get the kind of support they need. At R4D we go beyond traditional technical assistance, pioneering new approaches to support country leaders.


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Our work

We partner with country governments, local organizations and donor institutions in two ways:

Tailored support to country leaders

We work alongside our partners through each stage of the systems change process — helping them drive their agenda, identify root causes of challenges, develop and implement solutions, and continuously learn and adapt to sustain outcomes.

Connecting local and global evidence

We support country leaders to uncover the root causes of the challenges they’re facing. And we help them identify and synthesize relevant experience from other countries across our network that have tackled similar problems, turning global experience and innovative ideas into practical insights that help leaders make informed decisions.

Facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogue

We help country leaders bring together the right stakeholders to co-create effective solutions. As skilled facilitators, our team engages diverse voices in meaningful dialogue, helping strengthen processes, foster buy-in, and co-design solutions that are more likely to succeed.

Coaching leaders

We support country leaders to implement their solutions with an emphasis on learning-by-doing. R4D’s Coaching Approach works through existing infrastructure and processes — avoiding the creation of parallel systems. This approach strengthens national institutions to deliver over the long-term.

Supporting learning and adaptation

We support country leaders to learn what’s working — and what isn’t — to continuously adapt, iterate and improve. Our approach prioritizes answering the questions our partners care about, using methods that are feasible. This builds resilience and helps strengthen institutions' capacity to embed learning into their future work.

Building a supportive ecosystem around country leaders

We strengthen local organizations’ capacity to produce evidence and provide the support country leaders need. We connect them to regional and global networks, and help global partners coordinate their efforts.

Elevating local expertise

Our approach supports and elevates local expertise and organizations to ensure they continue supporting country leaders long after global funding ends. We complement and strengthen our local partners’ capabilities — positioning them as the go-to resources for both national and global actors.

Building learning networks

We create and strengthen learning communities and networks that generate evidence, support change agents to learn from one another and co-create promising new approaches. Our Collaborative Learning approach is always country led and centers the expertise of local change agents.

Aligning development partners

We work with development partners to ensure their strategies and programs are coordinated and aligned with country leaders’ priorities — making investments more responsive, sustainable and impactful. This also reduces the burden on country leaders to navigate and manage competing priorities.

Our results last year

R4D is a mission-driven organization. We’re proud of what we can achieve in just one year:

Our Impact


Change agents supported

Building skills, knowledge, and networks to drive equitable change.


New knowledge products

Connecting change agents to critical evidence and supporting them to use it.


Systems changes documented

Improving government policies, financing and institutions to deliver sustainable change.


Learning networks launched or strengthened

Connecting global change agents to share learning, co-create solutions, and drive progress together.

Locally rooted, globally connected

Our team of 150+ experts in 9 countries unites local knowledge with global experience and learning networks.

Explore Our Map

  • Countries where R4D is active
  • Countries that engage with R4D-led networks
R4D Senior Fellow Nathaniel Otoo, SPARC

“Many development partners come with a template, R4D listened to our priorities rather than dictating. They helped us to see little changes we could make in the system that could make a big difference. And R4D played a very important role in my transformation into someone who was able to effect change.”

Nathaniel Otoo, former CEO of the Ghana National Health Insurance Authority.

Global & Regional Initiatives to Catalyze Stronger Systems

R4D designs and leads global and regional initiatives that connect local leaders and their partners to promote local agendas and achieve locally led results.