Local Solutions, Global Impact: How African Organizations Lead in Building Evidence Systems for Inclusive Development

The LEEPS initiative (Learning together to advance Evidence and Equity in Policymaking to achieve the SDGs) participated in a session during USAID’s Learning and Evidence Month. “Local Solutions, Global Impact: How African Organizations Lead in Building Evidence Systems for Inclusive Development” took place on May 24. Chris Chibwana from the Hewlett Foundation provided opening remarks and then panelists explored:

  • Locally led approaches to strengthening knowledge translation in Africa.
    • What does a locally led evidence partnership look like? How is the partnership centering country-level research priorities and the leadership of proximate partner organizations?
    • What are we learning about effective knowledge translation approaches to facilitate evidence use in government policymaking? How do differing cultural and political contexts shape knowledge translation strategies? Why is it critical for evidence system building to be locally led?
  • Collaborative cross-regional learning as an approach to jointly solve problems and facilitate complex evidence system strengthening efforts.

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LEEPS builds on the accomplishments of the R4D-facilitated Partnership for Evidence and Equity in Responsive Social Systems (PEERSS), and is intended to  strengthen evidence systems in Africa – including the capacity of policymakers, knowledge translators, and researchers, organizational structures (such as knowledge management platforms), and the institutional norms and incentives that motivate evidence use, with a focus on addressing gender inequality.

Global & Regional Initiatives to Catalyze Stronger Systems

R4D designs and leads global and regional initiatives that connect local leaders and their partners to promote local agendas and achieve locally led results.