R4D has worked in Ethiopia since 2008 (with an office in Addis Ababa since 2015) and has been heavily involved in supporting the government to improve health and education for its citizens. R4D’s 11-person Ethiopia team has extensive experience in health financing, health systems strengthening, nutrition, market shaping, and evaluation and adaptive learning. They are supported by regional and global experts on a variety of topics, including collaborative learning and monitoring and evaluation.
R4D’s strategy is to work closely with change agents, supporting them and providing advice as needed but deferring to them on decision-making. In Ethiopia, that strategy manifests itself through our collaboration with partners and the Government of Ethiopia across multiple areas, including mobilizing and efficiently using domestic funds for health and nutrition programs, reducing childhood malnutrition, and expanding access to lifesaving pneumonia treatment. R4D has also worked with various government partners at the district level, including in the Ethiopian Highlands to expand social protections for vulnerable citizens.
The following organizations provide funding to support R4D’s engagement in Ethiopia: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, CIFF, the Eleanor Crook Foundation and Big Win Philanthropy.
Photo credit: UNICEF Ethiopia/2010/Tuschman