Webinar: Institutionalizing Community Health as part of National Health Systems in Africa

Community health and community health workers (CHWs) are crucial to primary health care, health equity, and universal health coverage (UHC). This webinar provided a global level overview of the advancement of national CHW programs, including available tools and resources for global tracking, accountability, and advocacy efforts for the professionalization of CHWs. In addition, case studies from Guinea and Zanzibar highlighted recent achievements in promoting institutionalization and sustainability of their community health programs. The webinar featured a participatory panel discussion and speakers from Ministry of Health, Civil Society, and the community health workforce.

This 90-minute webinar was organized by the Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator (a global initiative led by R4D and funded by USAID with co-funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations), the Community Health Impact Coalition, and D-Tree, and contributes to advancing knowledge around USAID’s Health Systems Strengthening Learning Agenda as part of the 2024 Health Systems Strengthening Learning Series.

Recording of the webinar: Main recording (video, speakers, slides, main audio channel)

Related Resources:

Session Overview/Objectives: 

To share valuable insights, identify common challenges, and showcase tangible successes and practical solutions in the institutionalization and financing of community health programs. This webinar aims to foster a deeper understanding among stakeholders of the path forward in enhancing the resilience and effectiveness of community health systems. Specifically:

  1. To offer a global perspective on the progress made at the country level concerning the development and implementation of community health policies. 
  2. To illustrate successful examples of efforts led by a range of stakeholders, including civil society, the community health workforce, and Ministries of Health, in institutionalizing and sustaining community health programs. Drawing on insights from two country case studies, the webinar will delve into the intricacies of planning for program sustainability, emphasizing aspects such as domestic resource mobilization and financing.
  3. To explore the mechanisms that facilitate active stakeholder participation, particularly through effective collaboration between civil society and Ministries of Health, to advocate for policy change and drive effective community health strategies.


  • Opening Framing Remarks: Nazo Kureshy, Office of Health Systems, USAID
  • Dr. Lennie Kyomuhangi Bazira, Director of Policy, Community Health Impact Coalition
  • Dr. Mamady Kourouma, Director, Department of Community Health and Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Health, Guinea
  • Luc Innocent Touré, Program Coordinator, Comité Jeunes, Mon Avenir d’Abord, Guinea, Civil Society Representative
  • Lubayana Abdurahman Mwarab, Community Health Worker, Zanzibar
  • Dr. Salim N. Slim, Director Preventive Services and Health Education, Ministry of Health, Zanzibar
  • Moderator: Lior Miller, Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator/Results for Development

Global & Regional Initiatives to Catalyze Stronger Systems

R4D designs and leads global and regional initiatives that connect local leaders and their partners to promote local agendas and achieve locally led results.