Resources: Support for International Family Planning Organizations 2 (SIFPO2)

As part of the USAID-funded Support for International Family Planning and Health Organizations (SIFPO2) project, Results for Development (R4D) is working with Population Services International (PSI) to link franchisors and private sector health care providers with new sources of funding to expand family planning and reproductive health services to the poorest women and girls. Starting with PSI franchisors in Tanzania, Uganda, and Nigeria, R4D analyzed the key needs of the franchise networks, identified potential sources of health financing and clarified their policy context, and proposed new financing options.

Please see below for related resources.

  1. 2016 Women Deliver Conference Presentation: “Making Health Systems Work for Girls and Women”
    Drawing on Results for Development’s work with PSI under the SIFPO2 project, this presentation explores issues of financial sustainability facing social franchises, and the opportunities presented by recent universal health coverage commitments and sustainable development goals It discusses how linking social franchises with UHC efforts can result in better, fairer, and more sustainable and accessible care for women and girls.
  2. 2016 Webinar to the Social Franchising Community of Practice under University of California San Francisco: “Enhancing the Financial Sustainability of Social Franchise Networks: An analytical and participatory approach” (Women Deliver Conference Presentation)
    This webinar presents an overview of Results for Development’s framework and approach for systematically identifying opportunities to link social franchises to third-party systems, and provides a deep dive into the application of this approach with PSI’s network member in Nigeria, Society for Family Health.
  3. 2016 USAID Global Health Mini-University Presentation: “Saving Client Sara”
    This interactive workshop introduced university students and early health care professionals to an innovate framework that identifies strategies to improve financial sustainability of social franchise networks for family planning. The framework and case study were based on the work of Results for Development and PSI, under the USAID-supported SIFPO2 project.
  4. 2017 International Health Economics Association Congress Presentation: “Building the Facilitation and Intermediation Functions”
    Governments in many low- and middle-income countries recognize the need to improve their stewardship of and strategic purchasing from private providers to create strong mixed health systems. But they tend to rely too heavily on (weakly enforced) regulation and lack knowledge of the importance and the “how-to” of private sector stewardship and strategic purchasing. In this presentation, Results for Development shares its cross-country experience in Nigeria, Uganda, and Tanzania under SIFPO2 in bridging this gap between purchasers and private providers.
  5. 2017 USAID Global Health Mini-University Presentation: “Get that Contract Signed”
    To help attain universal health coverage (UHC), some governments are considering the option of working more closely with the private sector to help fill gaps and address system needs through public-private partnerships (PPPs). In this collaborative session, university participants learned about and designed/negotiated a PPP from the public and private sector perspectives; the process drew directly from recent work by R4D/PSI under the USAID-supported SIFPO2 project.
  6. 2018 USAID Attaining Sustainable Financing for FP in Sub Saharan Africa Meeting
    At this USAID-funded meeting, FP stakeholders from national governments, civil society, the private sector, USAID, and other development partner organizations gathered at a week-long meeting in Accra, Ghana to share country experiences and explore innovative approaches and tools. Over the course of the five-day meeting, participants shared challenges, lessons learned, and best practices in FP financing. SIFPO2 organized and contributed to 5 of the 14 total sessions, including: Health Financing Basics, Planning for and Succeeding with FP Funding Transition, Purchasing FP, Improving Affordability & Quality of FP Services & Supplies in the Private Sector, and Improving the Allocation Process & Budget Execution.
    – Improving Allocative Efficiency and Budget Execution for Family Planning – Case of Malawi
    From Donor to Domestic: Transitions for Family Planning|
    Strategic Purchasing for Family Planning: The Basics
    Improving Allocative Efficiency and Budget Execution for Family Planning
    Public Financial Management in Tanzania and Links to Family Planning Service Delivery
  7. Expanding Access to Voluntary Family Planning Services in Mixed Health Systems: Lessons from linking private health care networks to domestic financing
    Many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have committed to ambitious family planning (FP) goals, including expanding access to and choice of high-quality FP services and products. These initiatives are often underpinned by service delivery in both the public and private health care sectors. This report provides insights on engaging the private sector within national stewardship and financing systems for FP. These insights draw upon private sector engagement efforts under SIFPO2 and are of relevance to global and national funders, as well as stewards and managers of family planning programs.

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