Mr. Stephen Dajaan Dubik is a public health professional with over 7 years of experience in health research, providing technical and operational support for project implementation. He is experienced in project management, policy analysis, scientific and project/technical report writing, field surveys and supervision. Additional areas of interest and research include health systems, maternal and child health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and nutrition.
At Results for Development (R4D), Mr. Dubik is FHM Engage and Frequent Assessment of Systems and Tools for Resilience (FASTR) program officer for Ghana. He supports the FHM Engage and FASTR activities in Ghana by performing administrative, project management, research, business development, and communication tasks, among others. At FHM Engage, he specifically supports activities relating to the Network of Practice (NoPs), Health Facility Regulatory Authority (HeFRA) and data systems and governance with the Ministry of Health. At FASTR, he is supporting activities leading to the strengthening of health systems and RAMNCAH-N outcomes through rapid cycle analytics and data use for decision-making.
Prior to joining R4D, Mr Dubik was a technical officer for JICA MNH-KAIZEN project where he led the project activities in the Northern region of Ghana. He also provided consultancy services to notable organizations such as the World Health Organization, International Water Resource Center-Ghana (IRC-Ghana), and Fujita Planning Co., Ltd. As a consultant, he led a team of technical experts to develop the National Patient Safety Strategy for Ghana.
Mr. Dubik is a published academic author and has written and published over 16 journal articles on health systems, maternal and child health, WASH, infection control and nutrition.
Mr. Dubik holds a Master of Philosophy degree in public health nutrition from the University for Development Studies, a Master of Public Health from the University of Ghana, a Bachelor of Science in public health from the University of Ghana and a Diploma in education from the University of Cape Coast. He speaks English, Twi and his native language Moar.
Dubik, S. D., Amegah, K. E., Kwakye, A. T., & Ashinyo, M. E. (2024). Examining factors driving inequities in water, sanitation, hygiene, and waste management services in healthcare facilities in Ghana: An analysis of routine national data. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 14(1), 27-39. Dubik, S. D., Amegah, K. E., Owusu-Asare, A. A., Kwakye, A. T., Akufo, C., Amponsah, J., … & Ashinyo, M. E. (2024). Multimodal strategies to hand hygiene in Ghanaian hospitals: a cross-sectional study in the Eastern Region of Ghana. BMJ Public Health, 2(1). Ashinyo, M. E., Amegah, K. E., Kariyo, P. C., Ackon, A., Asrat, S., & Dubik, S. D. (2022). Status of patient safety in selected Ghanaian hospitals: a national cross-sectional study. BMJ Open Quality, 11(4), e001938. Ashinyo, M. E., Duti, V., Dubik, S. D., Amegah, K. E., & Alhassan, R. K. (2023). Experiences of postnatal mothers with quality of care including water, sanitation and hygiene amenities during the outbreak of COVID-19 in Ghana: An institutional cross-sectional study. Public Health in Practice, 5, 100361. Dubik, S. D., Ahiable, E. K., Amegah, K. E., Manan, A., Sampong, F. B., Boateng, J., … & Sarpong, C. (2023). Risk factors associated with COVID-19 morbidity and mortality at a national tertiary referral treatment centre in Ghana: a retrospective analysis. PAMJ Clin Med. Dubik, S. D. (2022). Understanding the facilitators and barriers to COVID-19 vaccine uptake among teachers in the Sagnarigu Municipality of Northern Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 311-322. Dubik, S. D., Amegah, K. E., Alhassan, A., Mornah, L. N., & Fiagbe, L. (2019). Compliance with Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation and Its Associated Factors among Adolescent Girls in Tamale Metropolis of Ghana. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2019. Dubik, S. D., & Amegah, K. E. (2021). Prevalence and determinants of early initiation of breastfeeding (EIBF) and prelacteal feeding in Northern Ghana: A cross-sectional survey. PloS one, 16(11), e0260347. Dubik, S. D., Yirkyio, E., & Ebenezer, K. E. (2021). Breastfeeding in Primary Healthcare Setting: Evaluation of Nurses and Midwives Competencies, Training, Barriers and Satisfaction of Breastfeeding Educational Experiences in Northern Ghana. Clinical Medicine Insights:Pediatrics, 15, 11795565211010704. Awekeya, H., Dubik, S. D., Amegah, K., Ashinyo, A., Wuobar, F., Kaitoo, E., … & Ashinyo, M. E. (2021). An evaluation of COVID-19 surveillance system in New Juaben South Municipality of Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Pan African Medical Journal. Ashinyo, M. E., Amegah, K. E., Dubik, S. D., Ntow-Kummi, G., Adjei, M. K., Amponsah, J., … & Akoriyea, S. K. (2021). Evaluation of water, sanitation and hygiene status of COVID-19 healthcare facilities in Ghana using the WASH FIT approach. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 11(3), 398-404. Ashinyo, M. E., Dubik, S. D., Duti, V., Amegah, K. E., Ashinyo, A., Asare, B. A., … & Kuma-Aboagye, P. (2021). Infection prevention and control compliance among exposed healthcare workers in COVID-19 treatment centers in Ghana: A descriptive cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE, 16(3), e0248282. Ashinyo, M. E., Dubik, S. D., Duti, V., Amegah, K. E., Ashinyo, A., Larsen-Reindorf, R., … & Kuma-Aboagye, P. (2020). Healthcare Workers Exposure Risk Assessment: A Survey among Frontline Workers in Designated COVID-19 Treatment Centers in Ghana. Journal of primary care & community health, 11, 2150132720969483. Dubik, S. D., Amegah, K. E., & Adam, A. S. (2021). Resumption of School amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Rapid Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Preventive Practices among Final-Year Senior High Students at a Technical Institute in Ghana. Education Research International, 2021. Ashinyo, M. E., Duti, V., Dubik, S. D., Amegah, K. E., Kutsoati, S., Oduro-Mensah, E., … & Kuma-Aboagye, P. (2020). Clinical characteristics, treatment regimen and duration of hospitalization among COVID-19 patients in Ghana: a retrospective cohort study. The Pan African Medical Journal, 37(Suppl 1). Amegah, K. E., Addo, H. O., Ashinyo, M. E., Fiagbe, L., Akpanya, S., Akoriyea, S. K., & Dubik, S. D. (2020). Determinants of Hand Hygiene Practice at Critical Times among Food Handlers in Educational Institutions of the Sagnarigu Municipality of Ghana: A Cross-Sectional Study. Environmental Health Insights, 14, 1178630220960418. Dajaan DS, Addo HO, Ojo L, Amegah KE, Loveland F, Bechala BD, Benjamin BB. Hand washing knowledge and practices among public primary schools in the Kintampo Municipality of Ghana. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:2205-16.