Image of Yosef Alemu

Yosef Alemu

Country Director, Ethiopia

Yosef Alemu is a public health professional with more than 16 years of experience managing various health and nutrition programs for different international organizations in Ethiopia.

Mr. Alemu is country director for Results for Development’s (R4D’s) Ethiopia office, based in Addis Ababa. He leads the development and planning of R4D’s country strategy and portfolio of programs, including identifying creative ways to expand current works in nutrition and health sectors in Ethiopia. He oversees and manages the country office teams, cultivates and builds partnership with government, funders and key development partners, and provides direction and inputs to ensure the proper management of current and new R4D projects in Ethiopia. He oversees and manages all day-to-day aspects of the R4D Ethiopia office operation including ensuring compliance with government, donor and R4D policies and procedures.

Throughout his career, Mr. Alemu has been engaged in designing and managing various projects and programs that directly contribute to the health and empowerment of the most vulnerable segments of the Ethiopian population. As deputy country director at Nutrition International (NI), he helped to design and pilot an adolescent girls’ nutrition education and supplementation program and secured strong government support and decision for its subnational scale up. As a manager at the Christian Children’s Fund of Canada (CCFC) and CARE, he led the development and implementation of various women-empowerment and community-change tools for sexual and reproductive health, malaria prevention and control, maternal and newborn health and HIV/AIDS issues in different parts of Ethiopia. He started his career as a public health officer in government hospital in 2002.

Mr. Alemu holds an MPH from Gondar University and a BSC in public health from Dilla University. He speaks Afan Oromo, Amharic and English.

Global & Regional Initiatives to Catalyze Stronger Systems

R4D designs and leads global and regional initiatives that connect local leaders and their partners to promote local agendas and achieve locally led results.