Launch Event: Mobilizing Resources for the Seqota Declaration Expansion

As part of its national development agenda, the Government of Ethiopia has implemented several strategies and programs to ensure food and nutrition security over the past decade. To accelerate its efforts and catalyze the implementation of the food and nutrition strategy, the Government of Ethiopia launched the Seqota Declaration, which is an innovative and bold commitment to end stunting in children under two by 2030. After successful completion of the Innovation Phase the, government launched the Expansion and scale up phases (2021 – 2030), that aims to reduce stunting in children under two from 28% to 14% by the end of 2025, and to zero by the end of 2030.

A Resource Mobilization Plan has been developed for each year of the Expansion and Scaleup Phases 2021-2030. It presents a set of government and development partner actions to support the three sustainable financing goals of the Seqota Declaration:

  1. Strengthen multi-sectoral financial management for improved nutrition outcomes and evidence-based decision making.
  2. Increase sustainable funding sources by engaging with existing & new innovative stakeholder to fund the Seqota Declaration.
  3. Mobilize 123 billion ETB/ 3.86 billion USD for the next 8 years for Expansion and Scale-up Phases.

Watch a video of the event below:

Global & Regional Initiatives to Catalyze Stronger Systems

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