Webinar: Practical Application of the SEEMS-Nutrition Common Approach

The SEEMS-Nutrition consortium would like to invite you to join a webinar where we’ll share insights and experiences from five countries that have implemented the SEEMS-Nutrition Common Approach.

We know that a coordinated effort across sectors is required to combat malnutrition. However, there is a lack of evidence for decision-makers on the costs and benefits of these multisectoral nutrition strategies. To address this, the Strengthening Economic Evaluation for Multisectoral Strategies for Nutrition (SEEMS-Nutrition) consortium has developed a common approach to measuring costs, determining cost-effectiveness, and capturing the benefits of multisectoral nutrition strategies.

Learn how the SEEMS-Nutrition Common Approach is strengthening the design and implementation of economic evaluations using a comprehensive and customizable set of tools and a how-to guide on applying the approach. Dr. Carol Levin, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Global Health, University of Washington, and Director of the SEEMS-Nutrition project will facilitate a panel discussion on the key insights and takeaways of applying the Common Approach, the challenges addressed by the Common Approach, and the implications of the approach on the future of economic evaluations of multisectoral nutrition strategies.


  • Dr. Aulo Gelli, Senior Research Fellow, Poverty, Gender, and Inclusion Unit, IFPRI
  • Dr. Amy Margolies, Research Fellow, Nutrition, Diets, and Health Unit, IFPRI
  • Dr. Kenda Cunningham, Senior Research Advisor, Helen Keller Intl
  • Aisha Twalibu, PhD student, Department of Global Health, University of Washington

Global & Regional Initiatives to Catalyze Stronger Systems

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