Finance Capacity Development Platform for SUN Countries (FCDP)

FCDP is a Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement resource available to all 66 SUN Countries. The platform aims to reshape the nutrition financing landscape by inspiring and igniting government leaders to elevate nutrition financing as a priority and accelerate impact across sectors.

The Challenge

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 requires accelerated efforts to combat malnutrition in all its forms. Doing so requires a significant increase in sustainable financing for nutrition and more strategic use of resources to maximize nutrition gains within investments across sectors.

The financing landscape for nutrition has evolved significantly over the last decade, driven by actions of SUN country governments and their partners. However, there is much more to be done as most countries are not on track to achieve their SDG nutrition targets by 2030. The SUN Finance Agenda, endorsed by the SUN Lead Group and the SUN Executive Committee, recognizes that in order to meet increasing needs in countries (especially those in fragile situations) the financing architecture for malnutrition prevention and treatment must be reshaped. This process of transforming the nutrition financing landscape must be led by SUN Countries, with support from partners to help countries achieve their sustainable financing goals.

FCDP is a new part of the SUN finance architecture established in 2023 as a SUN Movement resource available to all SUN countries through the SUN Regional Hubs.

The Opportunity

SUN FCDP Theory of Change Graphic

FCDP’s vision of success is to support SUN countries in the global effort to transform nutrition financing with the following long-term goals:

  1. Greater sustainability of funding to ensure programs that offer important nutrition actions are uninterrupted and government owned.
  2. Increased funding for nutrition aligned to country priorities across sectors and all sources—public and external.
  3. More strategic use of funding that ensures government-owned policies and programs across sectors enhance the achievement of food and nutrition targets.

FCDP facilitates the development of Government-owned Sustainable Nutrition Financing Frameworks, building on experiences and lessons learned from the SUSTAIN initiative in Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana and Malawi. A suite of tools and resources has been developed to help country nutrition teams develop their own sustainable nutrition financing framework. These resources were co-developed with a group of nutrition finance experts from across SUN regions who now serve as part of the FCDP Expert Group.

FCDP is hosted by Results for Development (R4D), with partners Spark Health Africa, Health Strategy and Delivery Foundation (HSDF) and Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP).

R4D Spark Health Africa and CERP logos

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