Dr. Maame Amo-Addae joins R4D as country director for Ghana

September 28, 2023   |   Ghana

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Results for Development (R4D) welcomes Dr. Maame Amo-Addae as Ghana country director.

Dr. Amo-Addae is a medical doctor with more than 20 years of experience in public health/epidemiology, in leadership positions at the international, national, and sub-national levels. As country director and a member of the senior program leadership group at R4D, she will oversee all aspects of R4D’s work in Ghana, including strategy development, annual planning, business development, and team and partner management. She will ensure the design and implementation of high-quality, impactful programs that are responsive to the public health priorities of Ghana for strengthening health systems.

“Dr. Amo-Addae successfully launched a new district for the Ghana Health Service earlier in her career, and more recently led the African Field Epidemiology Network’s program in Liberia in the wake of Ebola and through COVID. She understands the unique challenges that public health decision-makers and practitioners face,” said Gina Lagomarsino, president and CEO of R4D. “I am confident she will be a wonderful leader for our work in Ghana and an important voice in R4D’s global program leadership group.”

Dr. Amo-Addae is taking the helm from Dr. Linda Vanotoo, who built a strong team and portfolio of work in Ghana, and recently transitioned to the role of senior program director of community and primary health care at R4D.

For 10 years, R4D has provided responsive support to Ghanaian leaders as they expanded access to quality health care and education, and improved nutrition services. R4D has worked alongside various government agencies and other partners to solve multiple interwoven challenges and strengthen systems. Currently, R4D is supporting the government of Ghana to nationally scale up an innovative network-based approach to primary healthcare after piloting it from 2017 to 2019 in the Volta Region. The pilot showed documented improvements in the quality of maternal and child health services and patient satisfaction, in addition to increased clinical support and exchange of skills, knowledge, and logistics among network providers. R4D is also working with the Ministry of Health to build a robust health data management system and with the Ministry of Education to expand educational opportunities for children in northern Ghana. And we are supporting Ghanaian leaders in 17 districts in northern Ghana to strengthen decision-making on nutrition program planning, financing, resource mobilization, advocacy and implementation.

“Results for Development has a great reputation in Ghana,” said Dr. Amo-Addae. “I’m excited to build on the work Dr. Vanotoo and her team have been leading and seek new opportunities to expand R4D’s impactful presence in the country.“ 

Dr. Amo-Addae holds three master’s degrees – a Master of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB), a Master of Public Health (MPH), and a Master of Philosophy (Disease Control and Field Epidemiology).

Learn more about Dr. Amo-Addae and Dr. Vanotoo, and their new roles in a recent Q&A blog here.


About Results for Development
Results for Development (R4D) is a leading non-profit global development partner. We collaborate with change agents — government officials, civil society leaders, and social innovators — supporting them as they navigate complex change processes to achieve large-scale, equitable outcomes in health, education, and nutrition. We work with country leaders to diagnose challenges, co-create, innovate and implement solutions built on evidence and diverse stakeholder input, and engage in learning to adapt, iterate and improve. We also strengthen global, regional and country ecosystems to support country leaders with expertise, evidence, and innovations. R4D helps country leaders solve their immediate challenges today, while also strengthening systems and institutions to address tomorrow’s challenges. And we share what we learn so others around the world can achieve results for development too. www.R4D.org

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