HFG: Costing for Improved Efficiency at the Justinien University Hospital in Haiti

March 8, 2018   |   Haiti

[In this Health Finance and Governance Project blog, Sydney Taylor, a senior program associate, and Meredith Klein, a program officer, share three key insights from a costing study of a hospital in Cap-Haïtien, Haiti.]

Dr. Jean Geto Dubé has faced his fair share of financial challenges as executive director of Justinien University Hospital (JUH) in Cap-Haïtien, Haiti.

Standing before the hospital’s department heads in February, he provided a sort of State of the Union of the hospital’s finances. The situation was discouraging: The hospital received little government funding, had insufficient internal revenue, and depended on the financial support of partners — many of whom were gradually withdrawing. This in turn was hampering the administration’s ability to smoothly manage the hospital and ensure consistent care for the hospital’s estimated 825,000 patients.

Concluding his remarks, Dr. Dubé noted that a costing study led by USAID’s Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project presented a unique opportunity  to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the hospital’s finances and identify ways to improve operational efficiency.

To read the full blog, click here.

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