Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Hurdles and Helpers: Learnings from the Fiscal Governance, Economic Justice & Social Justice Fields

Phase 1 of the Fiscal Governance Indicators project (FGI) focused explicitly on unpacking and filling gaps in how organizations measure change and outcomes for fiscal governance and economic justice. While there remain gaps in measures, indicators and tools to assess progress, a significant learning from Phase 1 of the initiative was that even existing robust and usable tools and resources are often not used widely by organizations working on fiscal governance, human rights and social justice. Without uptake, any development of new tools will fail to improve the learning and progress necessary in these critical fields.

To address these obstacles, we began Phase 2 of the FGI project seeking to strengthen our understanding of the barriers to Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) uptake and implementation among fiscal governance, human rights and social justice actors.

This learning brief presents our findings from this research, including:

  • Challenges to MEL implementation and uptake identified by informants and the literature
  • Strategies to address common MEL challenges
  • Informant perspectives on how COVID-19 affected MEL in positive and negative ways

Global & Regional Initiatives

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