Webinar: Reducing Fragmentation Across Health Programs to Improve Efficiency

Health programs are important channels to target health interventions and policies for specific populations or diseases, including for HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria, non-communicable diseases, immunization, among other priority health interventions. These programs have contributed to improvements in life expectancy, maternal and child mortality and improved health outcomes. However, there have been unintended consequences — for example, the creation of parallel service delivery, procurement, supply chains, information systems, planning and financing systems that operate separately from, or even outside of the purview, of the Ministry of Health. This fragmented organization is often compounded or even motivated by donor funding for specific conditions or priorities. Maintaining many discrete health programs is neither sustainable nor aligned with the goals of most public health leaders to progress toward greater health system equity, quality and efficiency.

Join virtually as R4D Program Director Agnes Gatome-Munyua and high-level experts from the WHO and elsewhere discuss the WHO’s Cross-Programmatic Efficiency Analysis (CPEA) diagnostic, which detects this fragmentation and learn about its recent application in Cameroon, Mozambique, and Nigeria.

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