Assessment of public expenditure on nutrition in Senegal

Senegal has made significant progress in the fight against malnutrition, with strong achievements in reducing stunting and chronic malnutrition. Despite this, a recent evaluation of implementation of the multisectoral nutrition strategic plan (PSMN) 2018-2022 pointed out serious impediments in drawing up a clear picture of the financial resources used to fund the various sectoral action plans. The National Nutrition Development Council (CNDN) has requested technical support from the finance capacity development platform (FCDP) to gain a deeper understanding of the financial flows and mechanisms used by the various PSMN implementing sectors and sources for potential additional funding. The assessment results will help the CNDN to ensure adequate and sustainable financing of the new PSMN (2024-2028).

FCDP has therefore supported the CNDN to review the government budgetary processes for nutrition across 12 sectoral ministries and analyze data on strategic planning and expenditure to support PSMN implementation. This led to the identification of funding gaps and interventions that were most affected. The government PSMN expenditure assessment also helped highlight priority areas necessary to holistically and sustainably improve financing for PSMN implementation which are documented in the report.

Please contact Cheickna Toure at if you have any questions or comments on this report.

FCDP is a SUN Movement resource available to all 66 SUN Countries. The platform aims to transform the nutrition financing landscape by inspiring and igniting government leaders to elevate nutrition financing as a priority and accelerate impact across sectors.

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